Uploded two new images.

First a centos7 image for the raspberry pi 3 (arm64). Very simliar to the fedora images, see the other raspberrypi posts for details.

Second a armv7 qemu image with grub2 boot loader. Boots with efi firmware (edk2/tianocore). No need to copy kernel+initrd from the image and pass that to qemu, making the boot process much more convenient. Looks like this will not land in Fedora though. The Fedora maintainers prefer to stick with u-boot for armv7 and plan to impove u-boot instead so it works better with qemu. Which will of course solve the boot issue too, but it doesn't exist today.

Usage: Fetch edk2.git-arm from the firmware repo. Use this to define a libvirt guest:




Update 1: root password for the qemu uefi image is "uefi".
Update 2: comments closed due to spam flood, sorry.